

My name is Stephanie and I started Novel Idea Reviews as an escape. Let me explain. I am 29 years old and have my B.S. from NYU-Polytechnic in Business & Technology Management and my M.S. from Full Sail University in Entertainment Business. 

All seemed great and the future was bright. Then 4 or 5 years ago, I was diagnosed with a condition called Cluster Headaches, or as they are sometimes called, Suicide Headaches. This condition is considered the most painful condition known to medical science. On top of this, I also suffer from daily Chronic Migraines. I have tried countless treatments and so far no luck. This condition has halted any career plans and has left me in daily chronic pain. 

Like most people I use reading, writing and music as an escape from the pain. I began this blog and found that I truly enjoyed reading and reviewing and getting some lesser known books and authors out there. I hope that all who view this blog will share it with friends, family and any writers you may know. Also, please look into Cluster Headaches and help me spread awareness of this condition. 

Thank you and please enjoy!


  1. My heart goes out to you. I'm spreading the word.

  2. Thank you so much! It's greatly appreciated!

  3. Hi Stephanie, I can only imagine what those headaches must be like; I've had migraines and I know those don't even come close. Congrats to you for finding a way to something positive. I'll spread the word. Thanks!

  4. Kudos to you for taking a positive attitude! You are very inspiring!

  5. Wow, I had no idea these existed. I only knew about migraine sufferers. I have Grave's Disease which is hyperthyroid. They zapped my thyroid and I take meds but sometimes me energy is totally sapped. Nothing like what you're going through, though. Kudos to you for finding a way to cope with this blog!

    1. Thank you for checking out my blog and reading this section! It's not a commonly known condition, but hopefully I can help bring some awareness to it. I also have type one diabetes and Hashimoto's disease (hypothyroidism). Thyroid conditions are definitely energy sapping! Here's to using our blogs to stay positive!

  6. As a 40+ year clusterhead, I feel your pain! Fortunately, I'm 99% PF now for almost a year on 5 MeO DALT. Let me know if I can help!

    BTW, I love your site.

    1. Thanks J.L.! I've been looking into a few treatments I read in the clusterhead Facebook group (the tolerant one lol). I may just take you up on the offer to learn more about 5 MeO DALT. I've read a lot of success stories from sufferers!
