Thursday, July 2, 2015

Diary of a Zombie by Sergi Llauger

**A copy of this book was received in exchange for an HONEST review. Reviews through Novel Idea Reviews are NOT bought and every opinion is that of the reviewer and was in no way influenced by the author or in exchange for a free copy of the book.**

Rating: ★★★★★

Sergi Llauger's, Diary of a Zombie, is an outstanding perspective of the zombie apocalypse. This is not your ordinary zombie novel in that it throws the reader into the point of view of the "enemy," rather than the typical human/survivor perspective. The entire format and writing style creates a page turning adventure from start to finish. 
The relationship between the main protagonists is so powerful, that I found myself tearing up at the book's conclusion. 
Llauger sends the reader on a one-of-a-kind adventure through the mind of an intelligent zombie, who must struggle with his own internal demons, while being considered a demon by those around him. The character development in this entire novel is so well done that you truly feel as though you have personally created a relationship with each and every character that is introduced. 
The action and obstacles that the protagonists must overcome are non-stop from page one until the very end of the journey. As I previously stated, I found myself tearing up and hoping that the book would not end, simply due to the fact that I was rooting for a happy ending. Llauger actually manages to turn a zombie into the hero. 
I highly recommend this novel to all readers, whether you enjoy this particular genre or not. This is a fantastic read with an amazing journey and overall message of finding that last bit of strength when you feel you having nothing left to give.

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